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Crow Imput Holy Gospel – Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

It’s been an unprecedentedly strange year by anyone's standards and at any other time the idea of a crow seeming to provide the vocals...

Hands On – Jamit and Kroissenbrunner (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

Music which comes labelled with the name Jamit on it, and in this case his regular sonic partner in crime Kroissenbrunner too…is, to reappropriate...

Crasher Bunny Pal – Jamit and Kroissenbrunner (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

There is something wonderful going on in Jamit’s music, and for once I’m not talking about the sonic intrigue and or the out of...

Home Town Qoheleth – Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

It’s been a while since anything popped into the review pile from Jamit, you start to get worried, but it turns out that his...

Burning The Library of Alexandria –  Yvonne Dyor –  Jamit Remix...

Music created at the more dance end of the spectrum is often seen as being shallow, a quick, one-off sonic fix from a genre...

Yod of God – Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

Many artists seem to have short creative bursts between more relaxed, less productive moments but Jamit seems to be on an ever-accelerating, upward trajectory...

Holy Prophet Elijah  –  Kætäwi and Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

Following on from the success of recent collaborations with Kroissenbrunner, here Jamit teams up with another artist whose name takes me at least four...

Masala Bazaar – Kroissenbrunner & Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

Collaboration seems to suit Jamit as this is the third time he has teamed up with South African based Kroissenbrunner to help expand the...

Bronze Attack –  Kroissenbrunner and Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

Jamit, and his strange and wonderful forward thinking dance music creations is a regular visitor to DAA’s sonic literary shores. Often seeming like a...

Taeb Ecnad – Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

Say what you like about Jamit but you can’t fault the speed at which he turns out new material. It seems as if there...

Multiplayer Erotica –  Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

The only thing that you come to expect from Jamit is the unexpected. Yes, you know that the music is going to run along...

Chicken –  Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

As my “go to guy” for all things experimental dance coming out of the Far East, it’s always great when a new track by...

MRT – Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

Pioneer Generation showed us just how uniquely Jamit thinks when it comes to modern dance music and MRT carries on down that same path,...

Pioneer Generation (feat. Orestis Milios) –  Jamit (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

Jamit makes dance music for the modern age. It's as simple as that. With so many acts liberally plundering from the past, re-working the...