At a point where pop meets rock, where mainstream accessibility meets underground cultishness, where cutting edge cool embrace the quality benchmarks of songwriting traditions and where indie vibes meet next big thing potential, you find Madeleine doing her thing.

And her thing is one of the best things you will have heard in a long time, if you don’t believe me, just spend some time with her latest album, Stoned & Bored.

Drop in anywhere at random and you will be faced with fantastic songwriting ranging from the poppish and perky to darker indie sounds but stand out tracks have to be the opener, Sleepy Weather, a masterclass in hook-laden, indie-pop grooves, Starpower’s more measured college rock-infused sonics and Bad For You’s subversive attack on the pop template.

And if the title track’s brash pop-rock hybrid does grab you by the short and curly’s then I suspect that music isn’t really for you and perhaps Bridge or Stamp Collecting might be worth considering.

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