I’ll be the first to admit that Fabp, in all of his musical guises, confuses me. But that’s okay, who wants to live in a world where answers are easy to come by or where there are no surprises? When you head into one of his albums you are assured of only one certainty. Nothing is certain. Of that I’m certain. I think!

Yes, you can be sure that he is going to weave his strange landscapes out of urban musical threads, be it reggae, trap, hip-hop, trip-hop, R&B, alternative dance grooves and plenty of electronica to bind it all together, but apart from that, you just need to open your mind and prepare for a musical adventure.

And Platinumism Playlist, his latest offering is certainly that. Galz Fo Sho runs on a strange and beguiling groove as the man himself talks about the powers of social media and connectivity, Ice Pick Talk is a squalling and screeching electro-industrial soundscape and Tha Baisley Pond Pree is a spacious and otherworldly affair, the music sounding like his sampler or studio having some sort of sonic breakdown and who would blame him. But, at the end of it all, you come away smiling, how can you not like what he does?

He’s made madder music, given us more challenging songs but as always there is something new, intriguing and wonderfully weird about this latest album. And weird is good, right? Damn right!

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