M.A.T.T follows the smoothest line and that’s for sure. Whereas many rappers come racing out of the starting blocks determined to let everyone know just how tough they are, how no-one is going to get in their way, how they will do anything to succeed, M.A.T.T instead has his thoughts elsewhere. Clearly, he’s a lover not a fighter, as the old saying goes. Majestic is a smooth slice of seductive rap, the beats take their time, the vibe is relaxed and the emphasis is on who are you going to hit on rather than who you are going to hit!

Thinkin’ Bout You is as the title suggests, a song about longing, about missing the one you desire most put to chilled, lazy beats and Tonight takes the same sentiment and delivers it in even less uncertain terms. How Many is the one song here which broadens the subject matter, a more reflective and soul-searching set of lyrics, sort of a rap reply to Dylan’s Blowin’ In The Wind and Hermosa rounds things off just as they started, with his eye on the ladies.

In a world of bombastic rap and self-aggrandising urban lyrical warriors, it is great to come across an artist who wants to keep things more honest, who trades in seductive beats and flirting flows rather than the feeling of all-out war that some rappers try to perpetuate. It seems that M.A.T.T knows one important thing that his more aggressive competitors have obviously forgotten. Love conquers all, and Majestic is the soundtrack to such a sentiment.

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Musician, scribbler, historian, gnostic, seeker of enlightenment, asker of the wrong questions, delver into the lost archives, fugitive from the law of averages, blogger, quantum spanner, left footed traveller, music journalist, zenarchist, freelance writer, reviewer and gemini. People have woken up to worse.

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