I may be wrong (I frequently am) but I would suspect that Tim Spelman makes music under the name Kaapstaad for very different reasons than he does his main musical concern, Tiny Fighter. I suspect, though I’m not in any way accusing them of trying to be rock stars, they seem far too mature and switched on to be playing such games, that Tiny Fighter makes music with one eye on the zeitgeist, the market forces, real-world concerns. After all, why would any band worth their salt not do their utmost to get noticed?…

Read the full review at The Big Takeover

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Musician, scribbler, historian, gnostic, seeker of enlightenment, asker of the wrong questions, delver into the lost archives, fugitive from the law of averages, blogger, quantum spanner, left footed traveller, music journalist, zenarchist, freelance writer, reviewer and gemini. People have woken up to worse.

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