Can we start with a bit of background? How did you come to be working as a duo and what musical paths brought you to this place?

Eric: I grew up in a musical family with lots of people playing music around me. My parents were doing music in church my whole life. My dad has 14 siblings and they’d all sit around with guitars singing James TaylorBreadCSNY, and other singer-songwriter stuff at family gatherings. My dad taught me how to harmonize in the bathtub as a little kid. I picked up his guitar around 12, got my hands on a chord book, and started teaching myself how to play songs. Through middle school & high school, I was playing in the church and started collaborating with kids in school. Never did any serious projects, but there was a lot of jamming. I wanted to write & record music as early as 8 but didn’t really start writing until my 20s. I met Ash while we were…

Read the full interview at The Big Takeover

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