Free Kind of Me, Becky Wiles’ debut album, is nothing short of the most poised and near-perfect collection of songs to be found in the modern country and folk scene today. It’s a bold statement, perhaps, but give the album a spin and tell me that I’m wrong.

From the jaunty violin-driven, country-pop of the opener, Call Me Crazy, to the soft and seductive folk-Americana tones of the title track, this album has it all. There are understated ballads in the form of Send Me, lilting loveliness courtesy of Mr. Miyagi and brassy blues with Ms. Moxie. And, as great as the more upbeat moments are, Becky Wiles is at her best when navigating more minimalist waters.

The Complication is a piano ballad that drifts between brooding cello washes and spacious understatement, He Was Good is reflective and heartfelt and Alright By You is sheer gorgeousness.

This is an album that you will find more rewarding the more you play it, and the more you do, the more seductive and soulful it becomes as you appreciate the suppleness and subtlety, the nuance and space that is an integral part of the creative process.

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