For twenty seconds or so, Goldfinch keeps us waiting in a distant sonic drift that’s masterfully crafted to build that electrifying atmosphere. Where’s this distant sound wash leading us, you might wonder? Then, in a sudden surge of musicality, Calabasas unfurls, propelled on a wave of drums and funky bass grooves. The soulful guitar licks slice through the air as the vocals sweep us along to the heart of Calabasas, hinting at an impending party. Well, count me in.

But here’s the twist: there’s something subtly intriguing at play in this song. It stays relatively minimal for the most part, allowing the verses to showcase the intricate sonic engine room that propels the track forward. The delivery itself strikes a delicate balance between funky-alt-pop, Latin rhythms, and the dramatic narrative of a Broadway musical, with the vocals assuming the role of the storyteller, hinting that this might be one musical chapter in a much larger story. A song that feels like part of a whole saga; how cool!

While the verses revel in their stripped-back essence, the choruses, as choruses are want to do, bring in the reinforcements. As the rallying cry beckons our return to the fabled place, breezy brass ignites, the guitars add that crunch and heft, and the backbeats charge in, lending that extra kick of momentum.

And just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, Calabasas, being longer than your typical pop song by quite a stretch, treats you to a splendidly progressive breakdown, a meandering detour into an expanse of sonic wizardry, with cavernous guitars carving out a path of sonic momentum and heads towards the finishing line.

At first glance, Calabasas might appear deceptively simple, but with each subsequent spin, it reveals itself to be a rich tapestry of intricate tones and textures. And yet, despite its deft layers and meticulous craftsmanship, it remains inherently funky, effortlessly accessible, and undeniably infectious. Now that, my friends, is what I call a stroke of genius.

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