Inspiration can be found in the darkest places and songs can be conjured up from traversing the most unexpected stepping stones – in the case of this new single, a simple printed reminder that South may not have come as far as it likes to think, a fierce altercation within her own family, and the witnessing of the overturning of the landmark Roe vs Wade ruling. Some might despair at such dark turns of events, but Ruby Rose Fox, at the encouragement of her producer, instead decided to pour those concerns and fears into a glorious anthem for our times.

A reworking of the Osbourne Brothers’ classic rendition of Rocky Top, A Carpetbagger’s Ode to Rocky reimagines the song as a fever dream state, gothic-infused, gospel anthem. But more than that, there is something in the power and determination of the performance turns the song into a rallying cry for those who have had enough, those who want a fairer and more enlightened world. Not only a rabble-rousing, call to arms but perhaps potentially the soundtrack to a whole new movement. Wouldn’t that be something?

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