Blending some country tones into very accessible pop shapes, Suddenly is one of those timeless songs. Timeless in its sentiment, documenting that first kiss, those first tentative steps of love, those memorable moments from which a relationship grows. But timeless in its sonic content too, those perfect melodic tones and easy addictions, the obvious hook line and relatable narratives, all traits that you will find in almost all classic songs of the contemporary music era.

But that has always been Joemayk‘s charm, His ability to turn everything from country, rock, singer-songwriter and a host of other music styles into the most infectious and mainstream songs. But he always stops short of the obvious tricks and gimmicks that let popular music down. Songs like Suddenly don’t require dance routines or guest duets, don’t resort to rap interludes or plagiarising parts of already established songs because they don’t have to. And the reason why they don’t have to is that Joemayk knows how to write skilful, relatable and contagious songs.

It’s pop by any other name and it smells as sweet…as Shakespeare might have said if he had been born 500 years later and wrote for Rolling Stone magazine.

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Musician, scribbler, historian, gnostic, seeker of enlightenment, asker of the wrong questions, delver into the lost archives, fugitive from the law of averages, blogger, quantum spanner, left footed traveller, music journalist, zenarchist, freelance writer, reviewer and gemini. People have woken up to worse.

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